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[Art] Phunp

This is my very first attempt at vector/cartoon style. I got inspired by web comics.

C&C is very apreciated, and ideas for my next work too
I like a lot, I like cartoon art, the blurring effect, those trees and the elephant it's so cute.
also, pal made ​​me this amazing avatar <3
Looks really simple, clean, and nice.
8.5/10 what program do you use?
Oh and maybe add a little more shading on the trunk to make it really pop out.
I dislike that shadow coming down from the trunk. Seems to ruin the whole elephant for me.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
The trunk is too light and thus blends in with the face a little

very cute though

[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
the shadow from the nose is wrong. It seems so anyway. If the sun is behind the trees in the background and middle ground then it is even farther behind the elephant in the foreground. So, there should just be a shadow made from the back of his body cast forward.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Thanks for the comments guys, next time I'll see if I do better.

Originally Posted by ATM View Post
Looks really simple, clean, and nice.
8.5/10 what program do you use?
Oh and maybe add a little more shading on the trunk to make it really pop out.

I used GIMP.

Originally Posted by TomPaine View Post
the shadow from the nose is wrong. It seems so anyway. If the sun is behind the trees in the background and middle ground then it is even farther behind the elephant in the foreground. So, there should just be a shadow made from the back of his body cast forward.

Yeah, I started doing the elephant without having the background in mind.