Original Post
[PsY] Want To b3 PaRt oF Us This is YoUr PlAc3!!!!

PsY Aplication

What is your name in real life?
What is your name in-game?
How many time do you spend in-game?
how many time do you spend in-forums?
What is your belt? ( it really afect your possibilities to be in [PsY])
What is you best mod? ( Just one no more )
Tell us about your knows in-game
Tell us about your knows in forums
Why do you wanna join? ( you have to write more than 30 words )
Why do we have to accept you? ( you have to write more than 20 words)
Do you have any extra skill? ( we mean like art or video maker, replays maker there are more like experience in forums , etc)
Show us your examples of your skills: ( Like a proof that you can do it )
WHat is you GMT?
Why do you think that you are [PsY] material?
How many time do you spen on IRC ?
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays ( the multiplayer replays have to be in your best mode )
With what you can help the clan? ( nothing stupid like "with my skill in-game" or "with donations"
What is the most important comand on IRC?
What is the most important comand in-game?

Last edited by opt; Aug 7, 2011 at 03:47 PM.

Click Me Feel Free to Get A hUg

You have some mistakes.

Fixed them for yo =]
PsY Aplication

Name (in real life):
Belt ( Must be Black Belt and higher):
Activity in-game 1/10:
Activity in forum 1/10:
Why do you want to join PsY :
With what can you help :
What is your favourite mod :
Do you make art/replays :
Your Usercard:
Post 2 or 3 replays:
Last edited by FunnyOrDie; Jul 26, 2011 at 06:46 PM.
Name how in real life like in-game:Real:Emil Game:regva
Belt: ( Most be a Black Belt)black 160 games to 2nd dan
Active in-game:3 3 hours on day or more
Active in forums:5 hours
Why do you want to join?Iwanna join cuz this clan is cool and have friends like mckiller and lolman
With what you can help?Hmm in the wars and with some tc
What is your best mod?taekkyon
Do you make art/replays..?No

2 or 3 replays
Attached Files
yayaya.rpl (74.2 KB, 10 views)
yayaya2.rpl (73.7 KB, 5 views)
yayaya3.rpl (60.4 KB, 5 views)
Originally Posted by regva View Post
Name how in real life like in-game:Real:Emil Game:regva
Belt: ( Most be a Black Belt)black 160 games to 2nd dan
Active in-game:3 3 hours on day or more
Active in forums:5 hours
Why do you want to join?Iwanna join cuz this clan is cool and have friends like mckiller and lolman
With what you can help?Hmm in the wars and with some tc
What is your best mod?taekkyon
Do you make art/replays..?No

2 or 3 replays

i say Yes : we need more members to play taekkyon
founder hopefully vote
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.

Name how in real life like in-game:Tyler-----Ninja684
Belt: ( Most be a Black Belt)2nd dan black
Active in-game:9/10
Active in forums:7.5/10
Why do you want to join?You guys seem like u have nice skills and you can be one of the best.
With what you can help?marketing items and makeing some tc for the clan and i love doing clan battles
What is your best mod?3 way tie between teakkyon, wushu, and akido big dojo
Do you make art/replays..?I make my own textures
2 or 3 replaysLook up relyt684 on youtube
Originally Posted by regva View Post
Name how in real life like in-game:Real:Emil Game:regva
Belt: ( Most be a Black Belt)black 160 games to 2nd dan
Active in-game:3 3 hours on day or more
Active in forums:5 hours
Why do you want to join?Iwanna join cuz this clan is cool and have friends like mckiller and lolman
With what you can help?Hmm in the wars and with some tc
What is your best mod?taekkyon
Do you make art/replays..?No

2 or 3 replays

I said no again cuz he apply like 3 days ago i said that he could get mah yes but he apply today e.e if you want apply the next week
Originally Posted by ninja684 View Post
Name how in real life like in-game:Tyler-----Ninja684
Belt: ( Most be a Black Belt)2nd dan black
Active in-game:9/10
Active in forums:7.5/10
Why do you want to join?You guys seem like u have nice skills and you can be one of the best.
With what you can help?marketing items and makeing some tc for the clan and i love doing clan battles
What is your best mod?3 way tie between teakkyon, wushu, and akido big dojo
Do you make art/replays..?I make my own textures
2 or 3 replaysLook up relyt684 on youtube

Plz put the replays here or put you youtube videos here just the links if you wish
Last edited by darkstate; Jul 26, 2011 at 11:57 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump