Original Post
Robotic SET (Raiza) Cheap ! just offer :]
Hi I'm selling Robotic Set his name is Raiza
All textures made in 512x512 and have got details xD
Just Make offer ;]

End Date : 30.01.2010

Gl ;]
Last edited by Hiruko; Jan 28, 2010 at 12:48 PM.
I am a cool texture maker !
][_, {[]} ][_,
The textures just can be uploaded at 128x128 just the head can be uploaded at 256x256 or 512x512...

The preview is good, but if u resize it to 128x128 it will SUCK
You need to:
  1. Add the appropriate disclaimer.
  2. Preview the body textures in 128x128. Body textures do not support 256x256 or 512x512 yet.

Failure to comply will result in closure.

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