Original Post
Follower's Head Shop
I am here to make cheap, custom heads.
They may not be as good as some of those other ones, but they sure are cheaper. Don'y have 4k to spend on a head? Mine are very cheap, only around 5-400 TC depending on the head. (Rarely 400 TC)
And don't worry, you won't have another one of those stuck up guys out there with 1 Mil Costumes on either, because all profits, and I mean ALL Profits, go to the [RWL] Clan Server Bank.

My First Head - 5 TC

Red Band Ninja - 15 TC

I will get better.
I will also take custom requests. 8 of them. (8 = Random #)

P.S. Sorry to all you guys with 1 Mil Costumes on...You aren't all stuck up ^^
[RWL] 4th in Command
Visit our the [RWL] Head Shop
Complaints about [RWL] Members
Heads are 128x128 images. I don't know how you got pictures bigger than that from a tiny image, but you did.
Make sure your images match what they'll see in game in terms of detail, or you might get some angry letters.