Original Post
shaders again
well last time I asked about how i can get shaders, well that time i showed:

well now i did some stuff and now this showed up:

I hope this helps, help you be able to help me.
^lol confusing sentence.

Overall: can you help me
yes i know this is confusing. to make it easier, read this from the first post from the other thread.
"When i check the shaders box on 3.8 it won't keep it checked All the other boxes will save but not the shaders, I hear alot of people are using them, i want to too. Please help
Thx in advance
Now known as Extreme. If you want to pm me. PM me at here
Well yea that intel card is a DirectX type, so it cant run pixel shader 2.0 or higher, so it cant run shaders.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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