Original Post
CONTEST! Flipping!
How many flips can you do? I think my record is something like 3 or 3 and a half. Gonna post some replays soon.
Re: CONTEST! Flipping!
yeah, managed 3.25 (landed full on face and tore my arm out)...are we allowed to use uke for height?
Re: CONTEST! Flipping!
Not really. I did four once, but it was a complete fluke, and I didn't deem it save worthy.
Re: CONTEST! Flipping!
Well i guess this replay isnt cool because i do so many flips but because i make uke do a full perfect frontflip.
Attached Files
assistedfrontflip.rpl (31.3 KB, 61 views)
Re: CONTEST! Flipping!
Here is my flip replay. looks like 4 and 1/2 flips or somthing like that.
Attached Files
4flips.rpl (15.5 KB, 40 views)