Original Post
[WIP] Thin_ice
mod name: thin_ice.tbm

you and uke are having fun at the swimming pool when it misteriously freezes over. its really cold. brrrrr..... anywyas, the water formed a think sheet of ice below you, so you could stand, but theirs only enough room for 1 person. Fight for it. the farther you get from the middle, the thinner the ice, the more likely that you'll get frozen.

basicly akido, accept theirs no defined dojo size line. the farther out you get, the easier it is to dq. the farther in, the harder. stay in the middle. as soon as i find the flag for anti-instagib and not instagib, ill use that to make anything but hands and feet touching ground DM. it will be more like akido then.


progress in future:
like i mentioned above, a way to allow only hands and feet touch the ground. also, theirs a small chance of somthing DMing and not DQing. just fine tuning and stuff

adapt this mod to somethine else, or splice it with another official mod. something like sumo or wushu. prize is 50 tc. (common, this is easy 8D)
Attached Files
thin_ice.tbm (1.4 KB, 32 views)
- its been a while
hmm... skazz tells me its 12. but its listed as
"weapon"....... instagib.

i wonder if hes actually sober

oh well, ill try it anyway.

EDIT: ok hes definatly not sober. 12 is flag for (as listed in the toriwiki mod site) instagib, and NOT anti-instagib. exactly the opposite of what i want.

and dosent anybody want free tc? just splice this mod with:

ANYTHING. its not that hard. its easier than fighitng someone actually....
Last edited by blkk; Feb 23, 2009 at 03:42 AM.
- its been a while

i wanna free tc.
heres joust+thinice

wow... i got money for copy and past
Attached Files
thin_ice_joust.tbm (1.5 KB, 7 views)
you forgot the "gamerule" dude. but, pretty good otherwize. you also should make it a bit higher, so you dont DQ in the very beggining. i sent the tc.

ok, im going to modify it a bit so its more like the offial joust thing... only you land on a patch of thin ice.... expect and update soon.

(next time, try to have less spam. and better english. or skazz will rape you alive.)
Last edited by blkk; Feb 24, 2009 at 02:25 AM.
- its been a while