Original Post
[IMG]Me and my pet dragon
I made this out of boredom.. lol, comment on it and other stuff,
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
well the colors match. umm...

you're tori is 3d and your dragon is 2d.

you didn't crop either of them very well.

you erased part of your right foot.

Is the dragon's name rawr?

the sun theme really doesn't fit.

Wait, is the theme "there is no theme"? Because then it makes sense.

In other words, cool pic. needs a common theme.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
it doesnt fit together
and look at the dragon and your tori: allover the edges is white!!
so its not a pretty good pic because off all these bad things.
Check out my Youtube!
Yes,but if not the cutting was very bad, cropping was very bad too.
Background is very lame.
Quality is shit.

Centuries Of Damn
you erased part of your right foot.

Wtf are u talkin bout? The whole foots there.
other than that its pretty bad both are cropped horribly 3/10

EDIT: Ahh HIS right foot ^^
The whole foot isn't there. Look where the little toe should be on his right foot.

His Right foot > Right side > Bottom edge.

He erased part of it:

Last edited by TomPaine; Dec 6, 2009 at 09:55 PM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz