Mapping for the eye is perfect in-game.

But, the ears are to far forward, mouth and nose are to far down.

Try to make the eye a bit smaller so you can fix the mouth and nose problem.

Eyebrows are waaaay too high also.
9/10 because of the things listed above
just as gradeger said gt those ears more to the side
And try shade the nose a little more to give it an extra outcoming effect
My art shop pm m or post in the thread if interested:
I like the idea but agree with the people above, also doesnt cyclops have a unibrow? im pretty sure he does you see. but that is ofcourse up to you to change or to keep it the way it is judging what you think looks best
Its nice however, the ears look very odd and the eye is left less detailed then the other facial parts however, it was very good in overall. 8.5/10
I like it! Seems like a head that isn't too complicated in regards to colors, so it'll look nice on a tori that has just the head and force/relax color. Not sure what I'm trying to say, but the head doesn't need a texture set to compliment itself.
could use a bit more contrast between light and dark, maybe a few harder lines, just to look good you know, most of the lines and shadows are too soft to show up effectively ingame. especially with the mouth and lips being so... solid... in comparison

overall a good texture
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-