i think they are the same thing, but tf are different, and also the first time i palyed it it was tiled to the side so players werent straight infront of eachother
you are talking about JKD

there is tk but there is a mod called tkd.tbm in your mod folder
No longer playing Toribash, so fuck off
Originally Posted by sa1uk View Post
you are talking about JKD

there is tk but there is a mod called tkd.tbm in your mod folder

ahhhh jet kune do, tae kwon do thanks
Enter the martial arts guru.

Tae Kyon is an ancient Korean martial art. It revolves mostly around kicking and takedowns, and emphasizes fluidity of motion and almost dance-like maneuvers. In traditional Taekyon, a match can only be won when a contestant touches the ground with anything but hands or feet, or gets kicked in the head. Unlike most martial arts, contestants were not allowed to attempt to wear eachother down with body blows.

Tae KWON Do (learn to read, people, that's a freakin' W) is modern Taekyon, with the many kicks and acrobatic moves of Taekyon incorporated into a karate-like training regime. It puts great emphasis on kicking (as do most Korean martial arts) and discards the dance-like movements of Taekyon in favor of more solid stances.

So as you can see, TKD is NOT short for Tae Kyon Do (that doesn't even exist), nor are they the same martial art. I hope this clears things up for you, in case you want to create custom settings to reflect the actual martial arts in TB modes.

<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.