Original Post
Madman and Difficult Target
1# - 7 pieces in 230 frames. Everything in the air before dq. Started with Headbutt boom-hit

2# - My target was to disambrement with single hits and throw into the air: arm, second arm, leg, another leg. Than decap Uke and dq him with his head befor other parts fall on the ground.

there are also replays on next pages
Attached Files
01FlyingMadman.rpl (138.9 KB, 58 views)
01ArmsLegsDecapDQ.rpl (193.9 KB, 45 views)
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Mar 19, 2009 at 11:30 PM.
Funny way to die :)
First one-9/10 totaly cool
Second one-Too stiff and i don't liked the dms and the grabs dms...5/10
Click here and make Jesus STRONGER ^^
[You should click, its fun]
The first one was cool. Good idea, if a little odd in its execution. 7/10

The second one I didn't really like. Stiff, grabby, and you miss a good opportunity for a kick. 4/10
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Need more laxatives.

(Lol, not really. That wouldn't help.)

First one was okay, bit stiff, and your legs were not moved much.

Second one was actually a little bad, but it's much better than most of the stuff on this board.

You get a 6/10
@ deady - I wasn't searching oportunities for kicks. I was doing my work as it was in the plan. If you have time maby you will do the same thing less stiff? One hit one limb: arm, arm, leg, leg. Before other parts hit the ground decap uke and dq him using his head.

@ OK9ZERA - Thank you "better than most of the stuff on this board" about the worse replay. But as I said it was planed like the target in the competition. but you have right to find it bad
Funny way to die :)
As the others said. The first one is better than the second one.

1 - 7/10

2 - 4/10

Isnt playing Toribash anymore...
I'm sad I know ou like first one, but I worked harder on the second one. Madmans are madmans but to make replay with "to do list" you have put some effort in that. No only look at it ...
Funny way to die :)
Originally Posted by BakuMiszcz View Post
I'm sad I know ou like first one, but I worked harder on the second one. Madmans are madmans but to make replay with "to do list" you have put some effort in that. No only look at it ...

Honestly I didnt even see that you were going for that until after I bad. Still though, I think the main reason people dont like it is because its just not as fun to watch. While it is impressive (I know because I did actually try and edit your replay) the sad fact is that when people are cruising the game board they want to see flashy shite and typically arent to worried about difficulty...unless it looks sexy.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
They are replays not stories they have to be catchy, you are right. But it was fun to made replay with hard target. I will do more like that [other targets ofcourse]
Funny way to die :)