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Originally Posted by BlackRozez View Post
wow...they are all worse than i thought they would be -50/10 you know maybe you shouldent post your replays

wow BR, maybe you shouldn't just slam someones replays without offering them any advice.

The replays are not the worst I have seen, by any means. In fact, the first punch was kinda cool.

I would suggest practicing more, it seems like you have the right idea, but still have allot of work to do. Focus more on making smooth movements and clean strikes. Never post a replay where you self DM unless you really have to. And you may also want to make your trails a little bit easier on the eyes.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
those are 50x as better big improvement 7/10 the first one it wasent realy a madman and you made the uke grab D: but still big change and the second one is very veyr good 9/10 you just usedalot of grab but its still good. good job and remember to play like that always.