Original Post
[WIP]Old samuraj set
Now i have only head and biceps, but i'll show them when both arms will be finished


I know this isn't really good but its my first try with this way of shading. C&C
Update: Ingame shoot:


Last edited by karolek12; Apr 25, 2011 at 05:44 PM.
looks good
but can i see an ingame pic??
Life is a Nightmare , Wake me up!!!
[8th Dan]-[Ps3♥]-[WTU♥]-[GerU]-[ETC♥ Teacher]
It does, it looks great. I love the face and the hair to be honest.

And yes, may we see an in game of it? Would help drastically with criticising. 8/10.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
Looks cool! The head could use a bit more shading in some areas, but very minor things. It probably won't matter when we get an ingame preview.

(old samurai could use a long gray mustache :P)
There is no place for mustache really. I'll give ingame screen soon, but now i don't have much time.
Thanks for your comments.
No problem mate glad to help. Also I am looking forward to seeing the ingame versions, I have a feeling they will look quite epic.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
Karolek świetna robota z tą głową jestem ciekawy jak będzie wyglądać całość

Last edited by Alladyn; May 6, 2011 at 04:41 PM.
It isnt so realistic,but so funny aswell.
Dont like that style mucch,but its good anyway.
Also i would like you to know that your watermark sux.
Its 2minutes to remove it,so replace it with better one,
or remove at all.Ppl there wont steal your textures
cuz they dont need to do so.And even if they will
you can report them,so there's no reasons to close
your pic's with that crap.
It's five of ten from me for idea.
I dont need weed to get you high.
Some reason when you see the face, it's amazing, but the hair makes it look not too good.
Change the hair. What program did you use for this?
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.