Original Post
Flamers... Ban them please...
These two ***holes in server 36, skatch and Nike3 where flaming me out like crazy when i told one of them, Skatch, to stop farming, i warned them that i report them but they just kept on cussing me out, Im sorry i dont have screenies but it wont let me post them
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
This doesn't belong in support, in fact it doesn't belong in any sub-forum.

You should PM these kind of things to a mod or administrator.
Lol :/
He: Stop farming
Us: We are not farming
He: I will ban u
We: U can try
Nirvana fan. Kurt forever in my heart.
heh i wondered to make ss, but i thought that he has brain inside his head andhe will not post such a dumb :/
Nirvana fan. Kurt forever in my heart.
Next time, use search button or open your eyes. Right in the Support section is a thread about this, right here.

You must PM an admin or someone who has the power to act and you must present proof [screenshots].