Original Post
(cs) Careless

One day, a young man named Shinny sat down and pondered his existence.

He had been training for months to become a skilled trickster, yet he still struggled with many of the simplest moves. He began to wonder, "Why do I do this? What is the point?" Deep down, he was well aware that it would be very difficult to achieve what he wanted. He watched the legendary tricksters he admired for hours on end, trying in vain to replicate their movements. Despite his failures, something still drove him, but he did not know what it was. Was it a desire for fame? To show off? Madness?

He thought about the emotions he felt while practicing. There was anger and disappointment for his failures, sure, but there was also happiness. The happiness of successfully doing what he had been attempting for days, the glee of floating and twisting through the air, and the excitement that came with smoothly flowing from move to move greatly made up for whatever negative feelings he had when he failed.

He realized that he did it all for fun.

Shinny stood and approached his training with a new outlook. When he failed, he didn't get nearly as sad or angry at himself.

After all, who cares? He just messes it up sometimes, he has it this next try.







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Thanks for reading,
Last edited by Original; Oct 9, 2016 at 11:26 PM.

Hi guys im new and im first to post so yah take it

guys its me fear, I'm first now

Fear Moderated Message:
Last edited by ILOVEPISS9000; Oct 8, 2016 at 01:26 PM.
Indeed, you are first.

Congratulations, Fear, for being first.

First event's coming soon, by the way.
Last edited by Kahn; Oct 8, 2016 at 05:12 PM.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Hey ma man, you need to add a rules section sometime this week.

Oh, shit, forgot about that. Thanks for the heads-up.

well, i went inactive for about a day and a half

everyone left

so like a week later, i'm rebranding the clan, and reopening it wowowoowowo