Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Pwr Rising Up Replay Thread
I've actually improved greatly in terms of singleplayer replays.
Attached Files
Pwr - Powerful .rpl (170.2 KB, 39 views)
Pwr - Feel the Pwr.rpl (217.5 KB, 26 views)
Pwr - Shockey.rpl (145.8 KB, 40 views)
Pwr - Lightly now ;o.rpl (147.1 KB, 28 views)
Pwr - Thunder.rpl (190.6 KB, 44 views)
Your tori was speaking to me on all these replays~

" I feel like dancing, actually I don't like you douche. Bam* "Swag"- I like the flow of the dancing start. The attitude you had in that punch made me jump . Then to end it off with that swag pose. 9/10

Lightly Now:
"Ugh!I don't like your face so ill kick it gracefully. Wait im not done yet, oops my foot slipped. Don't come back."- So much style and control in the replay the pose seemed a little lazy at the end though 7/10

"Im going to show you haterz how its done."- the replay was unique and it seemed like you were showing off. 9/10
Powerful: Alright opener, but kinda generic nowadays. Split was powerful but the movement itself didn't look that strong. Boom flowed nicely but again, the movement itself looked weak because you pulled your leg back to balance. Cool pose, 7/10

Feel the Pwr: Opener run was really twitchy as you neared Uke but I must say, you kept the momentum nicely. Split was nice and clean and boom was good (though you hit your head) and the last hit was okay, but could be better. Jump was rather jerky, though that pose was new and interesting. 8/10

Shockey: Opener was nice but rather aimless and you didn't use that to build up any speed to the hit (Which is the whole point of an opener). Even then, kick somehow was really strong and the decap was nice, though you hit your head. Pose was weird, not sure if good or not. 7/10

Lightly Now: Opener was good, but I'm not a fan of those where your knee touch the ground, but it's just me. Decap was clean but didn't look very strong. Split flowed nicely but the way you lowered your arm to get spin made the hit look weak and stiff. Transition to pose and pose was really nice. 8/10

Thunder: I like this one, it's different from the others. Opener was generic but the way you used it was really new and cool, though it meant your legs were jerky. Split was really powerful and decap flowed nicely but was weak. Boom flowed well and hit was powerful. Kinda derped around the floor after that but it didn't look that bad and the final kick was clean and strong. 8/10.

Basically, work on the strength of your hits, don't just stop in the middle of it and pull back, try and make the hit flow through. Other than that, good job
I do some videos
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only gonna CnC one cuase im bored
thunder- as dat said the opener was very generic and I didnt like the fisr kick. Of course the split was greeat but I didnt like the decap it didnt even phase into the head looking more powerful. and wow that boom was very very messy. the last kick I liked but it took a while and you left yiour hand in grab while you tried to get into the air
and I will never know how you got that glute
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Thanks guys!
All CnC appreciated and taken into consideration for these new replays!
Attached Files
Pwr - Raining .rpl (192.7 KB, 19 views)
Pwr - Backaches.rpl (268.6 KB, 19 views)
Pwr - Unforgiven.rpl (176.0 KB, 30 views)
Pwr + Lucid - Opal.rpl (217.6 KB, 18 views)
Pwr - Pycsho.rpl (199.2 KB, 17 views)
Psycho: Opener was meh and the little manip was rather slow, but you made up for it with those really strong booms.

Opal: I don't cnc tricking replays very well, but I have to say that was pretty nice.

Unforgiven: This looks familiar, have I cnc-ed this one before? If it isn't new, why'd you say it was new? .-.

Backaches: Opener was pretty nice and the spin looked promising but you killed your flow at frame 860, why'd you do that? The rest looked kinda derpy and stiff. Try not to sacrifice style for dismemberments, it's never worth it.

Raining: Overall very jerky, though the hits were pretty good. Pick up speed near the opener then carry it throughout the replay otherwise it'll look odd.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
In Unforgiven you should have thrown his torso up. You could have done much more then just stand there for 500 frames or so.
Never trust a commie.