Original Post
LTNS (daily updated replays thread)
if you like these in the first post, do yourself a favor and watch on, they're better.

I've been away for some time (again), but it makes coming back all the sweeter.

as for the reasons, the biggest one was prolly the fact that I accidentally restored my new computer to factory state (LOL) by placing a game box on the f11 key. luckily I had next to nothing on it and it was fairly new, but what I did lose was all my latest TB replays, a.k.a. most of the best ones. on the bright side, my computer no longer refuses to open from time to time, a trait which it used to have before I restored him.

So, I'm supposed to post some replays here, right? (this is where you're supposed to say bring it on)


posting anyways (hmph)[/extremely dry humor]

Headpunch + dance: If I'm not forgetting, this is my 4th total headpunch, but since I haven't recovered my older replays from the old computer yet, I'm not sure, so I named it more creatively. It's prolly rather similar to some of my older headpunches, but I loved the swingin' step in the beginning too much not to give it it's own name. that's not all the dancing there is, either, but I also added some flowy stuff in the end (nothing great, but anyways)

Matrix at the temple: I know I'm giving the replay a truckload of extra pressure by having "matrix" in the name, and even with it mentioned in this post, I'll propably still get at least one flame message from some idiot who thinks he knows everything about everyone's replays without reading the explanations. anyways, It's some gravity-defying jumping around in the aikidotemple.tbm environment mod.

Wannabe online: This is a replay I made with a friend of mine who hasn't played TB for all that a long time. I had another one before I restored my computer, but conveniently enough he happened to come for a visit just weeks after the incident and we made another one. It looks like an SP replay, but in fact we were playing in turns (except for a few double turns for accidental spacing).

Sick combo: this is the first replay I made after the restoring of the computer. It's actually a madman despite the name, but when I made it, I couldn't finish it as a madman (had hits without DM and I couldn't demolish uke completely). then when I got fed up with looking at the unfinished version of it, I made it into a madman, but decided to keep the name because i don't remember the number it should get and to keep some variety in the replays list. no, it's not supposed to be "2 (as in "too") sick combo", the number two comes from my archiving method (1 - one hit wonders and other "artistics" 2 - combos and madmans, 3 - online TKD and so forth). It's fairly mediocre, just 3 grab switches, kicking and tearing

Splitpunch 2: this is my second ever splitpunch (that was easy enough to remember :P), and in my humble opinion, more stylish and technical (it's actually possible to be both) than the first. that would be because of the solid usage of the legs.

Dual zweihanders: this is filler, but I believe not everybody's come to think about the possibility of this in the mod, so I'm posting it anyways with better replays.

If all goes as planned, by tomorrow I'll have at least one more decent (artistic) replay to add, and for reserve/filler, I have two MP ones (from Crane Kung Fu), so please, If you like these, come back tomorrow for more.
Attached Files
1 headpunch + dance.rpl (84.8 KB, 58 views)
1 wannabe online.rpl (190.3 KB, 56 views)
1 splitpunch 2.rpl (96.1 KB, 51 views)
2 sick combo.rpl (318.4 KB, 59 views)
1 matrix at the temple.rpl (148.2 KB, 64 views)
9 Dual zweihanders.rpl (192.2 KB, 60 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 16, 2008 at 02:50 PM. Reason: bolded & capital titles
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
... I wonder why some threads don't get any replies at all. Well, here's one :P

First one: I like the headpunch, but the replay would have been better if the kick
split Uke as well. The dancing wasn't really that special, but pretty good nontheless.

Second one: Nice style, certainly not something you see every day. Good job jumping
over to Uke so you could kick him. A decap would have been hella awesome, but
hey, sometimes one just can't do that.

Third one: Interesting concept, and you sure as hell beat him pretty badly :P
Not much else to say, apart from...

Fourth one: Psh, combo my ass, that was a great madman :P
It's interesting how few of his torso joints that got dismembered, while his limps
get mutilated badly. Overall, it's fast and flows well, so i give it an:

Fifth one: Ah, this one looks like it has a lot of power packed into that punch.
It would be even better if it nailed two joints at once, but i know how hard that is to pull off.
My only "meh" is that it's an etch stiff in the beginning, but that doesn't really
detract from the replay. I'm not sure if i should rate it 7 or 8, so you'll get a:

Last one: Normally i dislike the use of mods, but this was a pretty innovative
use of the zweihanders. You chopped him up pretty badly, with alternating
hands even, so this gets an...

Good job with these, i'll be waiting to see more stuff from you
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I've been away for some time (again), but it makes coming back all the sweeter.

I know how you feel. *I just did too.*

... I wonder why some threads don't get any replies at all. Well, here's one :P

That's how I feel. But I shouldn't advertise here. favourites would be..matrix, headpunch and splitpunch.
Since shook has commented more than enough (till I have nothing left to say), I'll just comment on matrix:

I loved that. The starting jump was a bit simple, but the bouncing off the pillars were priceless. Dojo is probably one of my most favourite mods. Again, there's still room for improvement, namely if the second hit decapitated him as well. Still, it is impressive.

...if you would like to see my uncommented replay thread (Samule commented tho) ask me :P

-just to make things right.
The head and split punches were good. They looks so......realistic. The sick combo one made me lul. You hovered above uke and when you landed, no more Uke It's far from mediocre, though. It's awesome. The matrix is really cool, too!
thanks a million!
omg, ppl, you made my day. I forgot how great it felt reading positive comments about one's own replays.

i'm smiling ear to ear right now (well, in my terms ) thanks, ppl, thanks a million.

@shook: thanks for the comment, saved my thread . could you list which replay meant which (I'm pretty sure I figured it out, but can't be a 100%). I didn't post them in alphabetic order (or whichever order they show to you), but it is clear that they're in a different order on your screen

@joonveen: thanks for the compassion. great to have people of similar skillz and experience. I know the starting jump for the matrix one was simple, but it's the only possible jump, that would rocked me up to the ceiling, that i could think of. I hate symmetrical shiiz myself, so I really wouldnät have done it if i didn't have to. I'd very much like to see your no comment replays thread. I might even comment if it's not too old (not getting myself banned for your sake tho :P)

@geast: I think I got it right, but what do you mean by far from mediocre? if mediocre was 5 on a 0-10 scale, would "far from mediocre" mean 3-0 or 8-10? in short, far better than mediocre or far worse than mediocre?

I only have some second-class replays to add. They're from somewhere between sick combo and the final version of matrix (that I made while writing this thread). You see, I've been playing the sims 2 for a while, lost the mood when this didn't get any comments. but don't worry (like you would :P), I definitely got my mood back now. might just be until tomorrow that i get sufficient time (awake) to make replays (house will be on here soon ).
Attached Files
8 kungfu - chokehold.rpl (100.2 KB, 28 views)
8 kungfu - bloody mess.rpl (111.5 KB, 27 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 7, 2008 at 07:30 PM. Reason: (secunda) replays
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
I listed them in the order that you typed in the thread :P (Headpunch, matrix, online, sick combo...)

As for the two new replays... Well, my favourite is Bloody Mess. I like that forearm
you planted in his head
Apart from that, it's pretty much just you and your enemy crawling all over each
other, to be honest. Sure is a lot of fracturing going on though >.>
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
i told you they were second-class. I'll post the good stuff once there is any. I've got one great and another almost great idea right now, and I'm in the mood, so I'll prolly have a good one to post in a jiffy...

but not before I've checked the forums again

EDIT: lol... i phail... why didn't i think of my explanations list... lol.

EDIT2: here they are!

they didn't turn out just as amazing as i thought them out in my head, but they never do, do they?

splitpunch 3: my third splitpunch. maybe not as technical as the second one, or possibly even the first one, but IMHO, the flashiest of them all. I tried to DM both pecs and chest, and the move just might have enough power in it to do it, if someone managed to get the fist just a tad higher before landing the punch.

noleggy madman 2: this is actually more like my first noleggy madman, since the first one didn't fill the DM requirements, and was stiff too. this might seem a bit stiff, but it's because the lone chest doesn't have means to support itself, other than by grabbing uke, so I have to juggle the shoulders, elbows, and sometimes the wrists from side to side to land decent hits, and that makes the movement slower.
Attached Files
2 noleggy madman 2.rpl (363.6 KB, 30 views)
1 splitpunch 3.rpl (147.0 KB, 29 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 8, 2008 at 01:41 PM. Reason: bolding
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Those two are pretty sweet. Splitpunch looks very nice, and also like it could have
done more than it did... Mind if i try? :P
Noleggy madman was very well done, albeit an etch slow. But hey, it's not easy
to make a fast madman when you can't use your legs >.>
Good job man!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
thanks. sorry for having to advertise. like I said, something odd has happened to the community. good replays get less attention than shitty ones, that people diss in crowds.

anyways, did you notice tori trying to put uke back together, but ending up making it even worse (in noleggy madman)? I chuckled at that while making it.

here's some more. some pretty sweet madmans IMHO. the funny thing is that I wasn't going for a madman in either replay.

elbow madman: I know, the name is lame, but I couldn't come up with a better one. I was trying to do am uppercut, but the pose slumped and I saw the opportunity to spin a smexy elbow hit. the rest is a very energetic, fast and flowing madman (IMHO)

perfect crotch hit madman: again, couldn't think of a good name (and can't remember the madman # number, although I wouldn't want this masterpiece to be that anonymous anyways :P). I was experimenting with a relaxed punch, and was planning to punch something off uke, then grab his shoulder and ram my knee into him for a massive shatterhit, but, as can be seen, that didn't quite happen. What happened was the opportunity for a perfect vitals kick that ripped both legs off at once. And i even got to ram my elbow in him, too.

P.S: sure, go ahead, that I'd love if you tried to edit the punch into a shatterhit! actually I was trying to hint into the direction with the layout of the sentence

NOTE: there will ALWAYS be more replays. check the thread again if you liked em
Attached Files
2 elbow madman.rpl (335.0 KB, 17 views)
2 perfect crotch hit madman.rpl (337.3 KB, 20 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 8, 2008 at 04:12 PM. Reason: NOTE
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
your replays are GREAT i was impressed especially by the matrix at the temple in the 1st post, i just HAD to edit it into a decap, here it is btw 9/10 for em ÁLL
Attached Files
matrixedit.rpl (96.0 KB, 19 views)