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NAACP leader resigns; accused of lying about race
Took the thread title from this CNN article released an hour ago. For those of you who aren't following the story, Rachel Dolezal is a white woman born to white parents, claiming to be black. She also happens to the president of an NAACP chapter in Washington. She hit the news the other day when this interview of her being questioned about her race surfaced. Her parents and adopted brothers (who are black) all confirm that she is lying about her race - one of her brothers said that she told him not to 'blow her cover' at one point. Now, after national outrage, she's had to resign from her NAACP.

Society is, and has been, becoming more tolerant. We're at a stage where we're accepting of people who disagree with their biological sex, and decide to change it (Bruce Jennar). Do you think we will ever be at a stage where we're accepting of people who disagree with their biological race?

Before/After of Rachel Dolezal (makeup, not surgery)

Last edited by Ele; Jun 16, 2015 at 05:43 AM.
If you are born white, and you hate being white. Then you are racially bias. To accept people who are racially bias is an absolutely ridiculous concept. We would be teaching that skin color something that matters to the point to where people are allowed to change their skin color.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
If you can change gender and be accepted I don't know why you can't change race and still be accepted other than the fact that some races get larger scholorships than others because of the way that they were born. I feel like it would be fine as long as it didn't get "abused" in any way. People who do this obviously wouldn't be accepted right away and would be highly judged but if it went on for a long enough period of time then it could eventually become something less disputed/frowned upon.
Replace "Accused of lying" with "Is lying", accused is a term reserved for people whose guilt has not been proven.

She is seriously mentally unstable and needs therapy. There is very little to discuss here. It isn't a societal issue. She's just disturbed. She's no different than the teenagers who desperately want to be japanese other than the fact that she's a grown woman. Cringeworthy.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
If you are born white, and you hate being white. Then you are racially bias. To accept people who are racially bias is an absolutely ridiculous concept.

Would you call people who are born male, and hate being male sexually bias?
Well... I'm as accepting as anyone could really be of cases like disagreeing with their biological gender, so disagreeing with biological race doesn't sound like a huge leap. It's... different from gender though. Non-binary genders are generally a mental thing revolving around emotion and sexuality. Physically, even in the case of gender reassignment, people generally have a "typical set", some combination or lack thereof, of the few human genitalia. There's a larger gray area for race due to heredity and the vast majority of "races", it wouldn't be too out of place to be more in tune with a smaller percentage of your genetic makeup. Being purebread caucasian and claiming to be another ethnic group isn't a bad thing, but it is a bit of a stretch with the wording people often use...

Like it or not, people with darker skin are still called "black" as a flawed reference to the color of their skin, a "white" person saying they're black is clearly wrong. Same as saying they're of any descent that they're not, which is purely a lie. Being IN TUNE with or otherwise feeling more connected to another race than your hereditary peers lies in the mind, much the same way non-binary genders are. This of course would lead to the contemplation of reassignment surgery.

In conclusion, from both a tolerant and hopefully somewhat intellectual standpoint, doesn't sound too bad to me. Might be a little strange when more people start getting racial reassignment surgery, but we'll have to wait and see. It does all fall down to skin color and physical stereotypes for the most part, as well as race+culture stereotypes though.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Would you call people who are born male, and hate being male sexually bias?

We are not hear to discuss trans gender. That is a different debate entirely. But if you want to.
Trans has more to do with the biological makeup in terms of your brain. This simply has to do with the fact that you didn't get what you wanted at birth, regardless of the fact that nothing is wrong with the way you were born. Your race was not a mistake biologically. Your race has to do with your parents (Unless you are albino, but that's a very rare case). There is no real reason to want to change your gender unless you're too bitchy to deal with racism.
Last edited by Valterain1; Jun 16, 2015 at 06:56 AM.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
We are not hear to discuss trans gender. That is a different debate entirely.

No, it's comparable and relevant. Race and sex are both biological identifiers. Society is already accepting of people who identify with a different sex. This topic is about how far does (and will) our tolerance go. Sexual identity is absolutely relevant to the discussion.
Originally Posted by Deridor View Post
Well... I'm as accepting as anyone could really be of cases like disagreeing with their biological gender, so disagreeing with biological race doesn't sound like a huge leap. It's... different from gender though. Non-binary genders are generally a mental thing revolving around emotion and sexuality. Physically, even in the case of gender reassignment, people generally have a "typical set", some combination or lack thereof, of the few human genitalia. There's a larger gray area for race due to heredity and the vast majority of "races", it wouldn't be too out of place to be more in tune with a smaller percentage of your genetic makeup. Being purebread caucasian and claiming to be another ethnic group isn't a bad thing, but it is a bit of a stretch with the wording people often use...

There is a very, VERY big difference between a person with a serious developmental disorder that fucks with their hormones and grown woman who idolizes black culture and wants to be a part of it much like weebtards idolize nip culture and want to be japanese. This is about as okay as that. It's cringeworthy is what it is.

Like it or not, people with darker skin are still called "black" as a flawed reference to the color of their skin, a "white" person saying they're black is clearly wrong. Same as saying they're of any descent that they're not, which is purely a lie. Being IN TUNE with or otherwise feeling more connected to another race than your hereditary peers lies in the mind, much the same way non-binary genders are. This of course would lead to the contemplation of reassignment surgery.
The word I'd use to describe her skin color is "Swarthy". Look it up if you don't know what it means. Also, read what you are saying to yourself before posting it. "Being IN TUNE with or otherwise feeling more connected to another race than your hereditary peers lies in the mind, much the same way non-binary genders are" has a great deal of implications to the idea of race. Gender is decided by hormones, actual transgender people don't simply choose they're another gender one day, that'd be stupid and crazy(exactly like this retard).

In conclusion, from both a tolerant and hopefully somewhat intellectual standpoint, doesn't sound too bad to me. Might be a little strange when more people start getting racial reassignment surgery, but we'll have to wait and see. It does all fall down to skin color and physical stereotypes for the most part, as well as race+culture stereotypes though.
I can't even begin to tell you how stupid this is. I cringe every time I see one of those young adult/early 20s neckbeards with their greasy hair and kawaii-desu naruto headband. She is essentially a black-wannabe version of that.

How I assume it happened: She grew up with adopted(!) black brothers, tried desperately to fit in but didn't. Grew up with an inferiority/victim complex because she's incredibly beta and because her siblings are confident people, feels that she too would be like them if she was black. It's down to bad parenting and stupidity.

Look at those neckbeards who watch naruto/bleach/whatever shitty jump people watch nowadays and desperately want to be japanese because they want to feel what the characters in the animu feel(mainly the love and warmth of a family and friends), and instead end up acting like idiots and pushing away their actual family because they want to be japanese and hate the gaijin-desuXD
Last edited by Ele; Jun 16, 2015 at 07:20 AM. Reason: -snip-
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
We are not hear to discuss trans gender. That is a different debate entirely. But if you want to.
Trans has more to do with the biological makeup in terms of your brain. This simply has to do with the fact that you didn't get what you wanted at birth, regardless of the fact that nothing is wrong with the way you were born. Your race was not a mistake biologically. Your race has to do with your parents (Unless you are albino, but that's a very rare case). There is no real reason to want to change your gender unless you're too bitchy to deal with racism.

Trans (of all kinds) is a misguided attempt to treat dysphoria - whether that is gender dysphoria, or race dysphoria, or species dysphoria. People have a specific genetic makeup, things like species, race, or gender are not something that are up for debate.

A fetus has no preference about their gender, it's not a question of 'not getting what you wanted at birth'. You got what you got, and you should accept that.

Of course, there are people who really do want to be the other gender, they don't feel dysphoria, they don't believe they are a woman trapped in a man's body, or an asian trapped in a black body. They just want to be something else. This comprises the majority of 'trans' today, people who claim they are a galaxykin or dragonkin, or men who identify as women to gain acceptance in the sjw community - deviant identity or sexuality is seen as a badge of honor in said community.

Funnily enough she wouldn't have been able to get that job if she was white (NACCP is a racist organisation after all).

Also by the way, race is based on ancestry, albino is not a different race. A 'black passing' Italian is NOT a black. A 'white passing' Mexican is NOT white.
Last edited by Ele; Jun 16, 2015 at 09:01 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff