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New XBox 360 slim "non" exsiting.
ok so me and my friends were watching xbox reveile the new natal project 'working' and reviel a xbox slim. also saying they are shiping it today. and the audiance can have one for free. but i cant find any thing on the internet about it.
have any of you heard about this. and it isnt the 720.
10th Dan
You say you can't find anything on the internet?

Google "xbox 360 slim"... -.-

I don't know anything about the free xboxes though, I think that might be total bull... :s
Something about busses:D
listen i watch xbox live streat 20 mins ago anounce this and microsofts owen site bing cant find anthiong abiout it, im just saying its a fake.
10th Dan
google is better than bing -.- and mabye microsoft made sure it isnt on bing so its users dont find out, they cant control google

but seriously, Google>Bing...
Something about busses:D
stop posting here, i have search google, bing, msn and altarvista. and non have such news
10th Dan
Google won't bite, actually, it looks fake

yeah, there are some pics that are obviously fake, but there are ones that looks pretty interesting.

平和 Peace and 戦争 war are abstract concepts.
Because 男性 men always seek 闘争 strife.
eww, it looks ugly. i dont think this will sell well, its probably more fragile, and easier to tip over or shake (which rapes any disk currently inside it)