Original Post
what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
wow u guys are throwing alot of shit at hampa, where do u get it from, you must truly be quite shity people...

btw i'm pro paymeny and anyone else who also is i say thankyou on hampas behalf

-- keep on decapin

btw instead of makeing me flame and u flameing and us all getting shuned for flameing PM me if all you want to do is call me an ass hole or congradualte me on sticking with it... i'm not botherd what you do... if you have a realy important post then pleas go ahead and post
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
jack wht u doing can be descibed as slander allmost... almost, also nirly hate mail... not 2 me 2 hampa, it's like a non official hate protest
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
Jack, hampa has spent 3 years of his life on making this game. Not only that, but at 300$ a month to keep servers up, his fee is in the thousands just so you can play for free. And now you're complaining when he asks for something in return? It's like living in your friends apartment, and when he asks for you to help with the rent, you say "Fuck off, I want to keep living here for free."
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
no it's not againced the rules, what your saying is imorral and ignorant... theres a law to free speach so you can use it well, not so you can slag off people that are realy nice good people PAYING for you
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
Three years is a long time, time enough to make this without needing to put that much effort in.

If you want real quality on a finished physics game whuich took less time to make and has more features. try looking around.

or http://www.armadillorun.com/

I have other stuff too, let me find them.
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
here u go guys: a poll to vote on paying (froums/toribash/the names realy obbviuse duuuh lol)