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does it matter being a noob
does it matter being a noob reasons:

can't do good decaps
can't kick propley
cant even punch
always misses when i about to do a good move
way to slow
too symmetrical

what i mean i can fight propley .
im a noob
Well, my advice for noobs would be, make more and more replays
eventually you will get better
and those you think that are going well, just save and edit
also, some of the best moves can be figured out and done in 5 minutes, and in 10 days
practice makes perfect my friend, a tut will teach you specific moves, but it wont teach you how to control TORI, which only the game sense tells you. and you need to develop that gamesense
It is a teacher that specializes in a certain skill that guides you through an epic journey of knowledge until you get the education and the skills that you need to succeed.

i don't think this mentor stuff is the best option.

just practice, practice, practice.

a few hints on how to practice:
- just try not to be symmetrical. if nothing else works, try using halves of a symmetrical replays and then land a punch, kick, anything, maybe of a set points value that you want to achieve.
- try to mimic the replays that come with the game (but for fuck's sake, don't post these) and try to make them a bit different so that you can call them your own (if you succeed, these you can post)
- you might even want to try and mimic real life moves, but don't expect too much. usually you end up with something usable, but completely different from what you tried to do.
- play online games once you've got a good starter (from the above), to develop your game sense
I refuse to grab.
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