Original Post
[S] 128x128 Sets
Artists: Enfortes
Previous Owner: No
Size: 128x128
Recolor: Yes (1000 TC)
Price: Offer TC only
Autobuy: 25k
Start bid: 3k
Min rise: 500 TC

Artists: Enfortes
Previous Owner: No
Size: 128x128
Recolor: No
Price: Offer TC only
Autobuy: 10k
Start bid: 1k
Min rise: 500 TC
I'll buy the 1st one for 10k and I would like a re-color to dark green and some black (Make the colors look like a zombie) I'll buy final product for 13k if it what I'm looking for.
Last edited by Toxic; Apr 27, 2014 at 08:02 AM.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER