Original Post
another critical 3.3 glitch
ok first 3.3 mods wont work in some servers.
and now i was playing a non-friction mod. and now friction wont turn off, is there a new setting none of us were informed of?
the god
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
ok first 3.3 mods wont work in some servers.
and now i was playing a non-friction mod. and now friction wont turn off, is there a new setting none of us were informed of?

I can't help for 2 reasons:

1.the first one isn't critical.

2.the second one makes no sense.

for us to help, you will have to let us understand what you mean.
you dont understand friction, friction is that stuff that keeps you on the ground and not sliding, in a non friction mod, there was friction, ...
the god
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
you dont understand friction, friction is that stuff that keeps you on the ground and not sliding, in a non friction mod, there was friction, ...

well, you didn't explain that.

anyway, i don't know what to do with either of them. sorry.

don't PM a mod
Um yeah, don't play mod please, Chip.

You could try /set default multi, that resets all server settings to classic.


yeah, but for example the ZipLine mod, its supposed to have no fric.
and you can't play it with friction.
Basicly how high dm is disabled in 3.3 friction is locked and cant chagne it, i have a good suggestion for upcoming versions
liek gravity have friction
so you can have supper friction or little fricton
/set fric 0-10?
the god
Originally Posted by Chip View Post
well, you didn't explain that.

anyway, i don't know what to do with either of them. sorry.

don't PM a mod

Dont pm a mod? wtf
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
This bug probably came from the new ability to set the friction for certain environment objects and not others. I'm not sure how to fix it, but making friction a game rule would mess us mods that use the new feature. Stilf would probably be the best person to ask in this case.

I'm not sure I understand:
The problem is when you load a mod with certain friction settings - and you can't change them from within the game, without having a different mod ?
ok in certain mods (ZipLine.tbm)
friction is off
but now i loaded it into 3.3 and friction was on.
corrupting gameplay.
the god