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pov ray video help
Whats wrong with my povray everytime i try to make it into a vid it dosent work
how can you fix it
Not the right forums for debugging POV-Ray, but I guess I'll go on and say a couple things.

You might want to try turning off some of the other programs, like Toribash. POV-Ray uses a lot of processing power, and having other things can and generally will slow it down, sometimes to the point that Windows will say that it's not responding.

I also notice that it's stuck in the parsing part of a trace. Check your includes to make sure that there isn't a lot that you don't need, or that there aren't any loops or any such things.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I'll check back on this when someone else posts, or I come up with any other ideas.

[Edit]: Also, maybe if you cut the image down so that it's not so big, people will be a little happier. I for one don't have a wide screen monitor, so you're stretching the forum window out a bit and I have to scroll left and right.

And I did come up with another idea just now. Try posting the contents of the progress text, and the command bar. There might be a clue somewhere therein.
Last edited by Spaztic_One; Jun 14, 2008 at 04:07 AM.
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I'm pretty sure this is to do with processing power.

Turn off all of those unnecessary processes, particularly Toribash. What's your CPU clock speed?
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Yeah. I'm rather sure it does. I mean, I did kinda say the same thing 3vi1, just in more depth... >_>
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The first line should be #include ""

See if that does anything
Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.
Defiantly close the stuff that you don't need, IM programs can hog alot of cpu power, thats why i never use them :p. Closing toribash is a no brainer too.. Thats not helping at all :p


Originally Posted by volt View Post
The first line should be #include ""

See if that does anything

Volt has a good point. Most includes do have a ".inc" appended to the end of their name. Would cause problems, but personally I'd expect it to go on and give you a 'not found' error, or just report problems with things not being defined or some such thing. But then again, keep in mind that I've not messed with POV-Ray in a while, and I was never that much of an expert or anything like that.
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