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Which is the actual purpose "Off-Topic" serves?
Contradicting myself by creating a questioning thread. I've noticed how people are using this board to create sort of quiz threads by only asking matters indeed off topic from Toribash but rather useless, in example "Who do u hate the most?"(This one has even been created twice) "Age" "Why people eat spaghetti?" The last one I mentioned honestly I believe it is Odlov mocking the others for making such silly topics to discuss on. I know, they are off-topic but they aren't really any discussion worthy, they seem more like Wibbles quality threads.

Which has sent me here to ask to you, is this the actual use of this board or are we miss-using it?
I agree with you, mostly on Odlov's part haha.

I wonder when Dalir is going to recruit those new local mods, Off-topic needs them or is this the actual purpose Off-topic was created for? Is it just a less spammy version of Wibbles?
I feel off topic should be just below discussions standards. Also yes, less spammy than wibbles. It should be more of a place to discuss off topic things, without the seriousness of discussion. It shouldn't be filled with all of the random un needed threads which are now cluttering the board. But this is just my opinion. I just hope the local moderators quickly choose what they want with it.
Last edited by Oimanoi; Apr 23, 2011 at 11:48 AM.
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Originally Posted by Dashel View Post
Contradicting myself by creating a questioning thread. I've noticed how people are using this board to create sort of quiz threads by only asking matters indeed off topic from Toribash but rather useless, in example "Who do u hate the most?"(This one has even been created twice) "Age" "Why people eat spaghetti?" The last one I mentioned honestly I believe it is Odlov mocking the others for making such silly topics to discuss on. I know, they are off-topic but they aren't really any discussion worthy, they seem more like Wibbles quality threads.

Which has sent me here to ask to you, is this the actual use of this board or are we miss-using it?


But seriously. I agree with you on the stupid threads such as the examples you stated, because they are discussion types but bordering on Wibbles quality. Soon this board may turn into a mellow form of Wibbles, where people may use it just to gain post count. I think this board should mainly just be used for exactly what it says, Off-Topic discussions, which may not be as important or serious as topics which appear in Discussion.
Personally, I think that off-topic general was created so if you had a less than serious topic, it would go here.
E.G. (What do you think of ghosts, Do you think that University is worth it if you fail, What do you guys think about ______ product)

Although in recent days it appears that wibbles and rapid threads combined themselves and moved here.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
^ yup. This is a thread, which should have topics that are less serious than Discussion, but a bit more serious than wibbles.
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
I wonder when Dalir is going to recruit those new local mods, Off-topic needs them or is this the actual purpose Off-topic was created for? Is it just a less spammy version of Wibbles?

Probably never. It was all an elaborate troll to make us put forth effort for nothing.
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