Original Post
+Neck bug
I dont know if this was posted before, and you probably already know about this.

in aikido or sambo the arm can pass through the neck.
i think that its a bug or something..
what can you say about it?
As far as i know it's always been around but it isnt a major bug and probably wont be fixed anytime soon or at all, if they want to fix it they probably would have by now I hope this answers your questions
Last edited by dannyh; Aug 2, 2010 at 10:52 PM.
I noticed that mod in most of the mods I play. It is really disturbing because you can't really tell where which arm is.
it doesnt happen too often if you dont try to decap frecuently.. screw me a lot of times . But i agree t isnt a major concern, just something wich make less real the game.