Original Post
Okay,i want to bought 1K booster,but i have some question..

1-I didnt received any credit since one week,the game i won,are saved somewhere,i will get the money i did with the toribooster?

2008-04-06 04:13:06 From - Fry1ock 1000 Vampire DQ
2008-03-31 04:27:26 To - ToriBot -42000 Toxic relax
2008-03-30 23:27:52 From - Asia1 8400 Winnings
2008-03-30 23:04:08 From - US2 13800 Winnings
2008-03-30 21:46:14 From - US1 13500 Winnings

2-If i buy the Toribooster,did the games i will won will be paid,did there have a kinda bug about the credits?

3-I want saphire Trails,its write in the shop that we need to buy a booster,what booster?

Thanks alot,
I can only understand the 3rd question, the booster is any toribooster, but if you buy a booster, HAmpa will give you full amethyst trails, so I think that being under Sapphire is a mistake.
I haz a Radioactive fetish.