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[Tex]Ancient futuristic helmet ? WIP
Soo yeah !
I'm back to texturing.
Here it is.....

To do list:
  • Add shading to the demon parts.
  • Add neon-ic Static lines.
  • Finalize. Or in other words clean it up.
Last edited by Tengo; Jan 31, 2011 at 01:46 PM.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Apart from criticizing the terribly contradicting name, would it kill you to upload pics to an image hosting site?
What he said. ftl.

Drawing technique still looks like that of a twelve year old drawing with dirty oil pastels.
porportions look a bit off.
but the structure and detail looks quite nice.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Apart from criticizing the terribly contradicting name, would it kill you to upload pics to an image hosting site?

Would it kill you to download a pic ?
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
What he said. ftl.

Drawing technique still looks like that of a twelve year old drawing with dirty oil pastels.
porportions look a bit off.
but the structure and detail looks quite nice.

I always like dirty style , I hate making something to be clean.
I don't know why but this is how I see myself different :v
Besides that I just started making art , or getting back to making art in other words.
Thanks any way bro.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Originally Posted by TengoMan View Post
I always like dirty style , I hate making something to be clean.

dirty is fine, when it looks like it was intentional, but when it looks like bad technique... thats not the look you should be going for.

Ideas on how to correct this:
your black outlines seem to be seeping into the colours around it, which is fine when theyr colours that work together, like reds and blues.
but blending black with yellow, or skin tones, never looks good.

If youre gna use outlines, keep them crisp and defined.

use a different colour for the shadow, the shadow wont always be black, in this case, the visor is yellow, so a darker shade of yellow, orange or even red, for the shadow would work better.

If you think that your work looks too clean after that, find other ways of grunging it up.
more realistic shading would do the same thing
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
dirty is fine, when it looks like it was intentional, but when it looks like bad technique... thats not the look you should be going for.

Ideas on how to correct this:
your black outlines seem to be seeping into the colours around it, which is fine when theyr colours that work together, like reds and blues.
but blending black with yellow, or skin tones, never looks good.

If youre gna use outlines, keep them crisp and defined.

use a different colour for the shadow, the shadow wont always be black, in this case, the visor is yellow, so a darker shade of yellow, orange or even red, for the shadow would work better.

If you think that your work looks too clean after that, find other ways of grunging it up.
more realistic shading would do the same thing

I usually clean the outlines after I finish the head.So that's what I do at finalizing the head text.
And for shading I use this when I face a cool spot (like the visor).
And Idk how to grunge something up. Help pweese ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
I haven't looked at it on a sphere yet but things I noticed from the flat:

Those circles are going to stretch on the head and look non-circular.
Lower everything, it looks a bit high.
From the placement of the eyes and mouth, this guy has a long face. Move them closer.
All that stuff that Bend said applies.
The scratches aren't mirrored and that's always good.
The skull thing on the top looks nice (on the flat atleast.)
Overall, some fairly nice details.
Originally Posted by TengoMan View Post
And Idk how to grunge something up. Help pweese ?

Find an example of a piece you think is perfect, or has the dirt factor that youre looking for, if theyr available here, ask them how they would do it, or experiment with ways of doing it yourself.
Search through google, deviantart, tutorials etc.

Originally Posted by TengoMan View Post
I usually clean the outlines after I finish the head.So that's what I do at finalizing the head text.

then dont add the outlines at all, the colours have smudged together(dunno hw you would do that without actvily smudging them, but anyway) and looks...
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 31, 2011 at 03:42 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-