Original Post
[S] Demo Fernis Head [S]
Hey guys!.
Im selling this sexy head!
Im looking for maybe like 20k.
Previous owner was: Avatar for ages ago.
U can get better look at it if u download holo in game
Head is 512x but the pictures are taken with 256x head.

Hi, I suppose Fernis made this head right?

Anyway, please add info if you are willing to recolor this head and info about forms of payment accepted ("maybe like 20k" is more price range than specific form of payment):

C) Following information must be added to all textures and texture previews:
.....III) Whether or not you are willing to recolour the items and how much it would cost. .

I) All auction, buying, and sales threads must clearly state which forms of payment are being accepted/offered, for example "TC only" or "high-value items". Failure to comply with this rule will result in the closure of your thread. Also note that posts inquiring about the preferred payment option are treated as useless, and punished accordingly.

Additionally, you state that screenshots you posted show this head in 256x256 resolution while original one is 512x512. If you are selling 512x512 head please provide preview in resolution you are offering (you can create new custom folder named "HeadPrev" or anything, add 512x512 texture to it- saved in .tga format and named as "head.tga" and then use /lp 0 HeadPrev ). If you don't know how to do it, please PM me or query me on IRC or join #support channel on IRC- we'll help you step-by-step.