Endurance Onslaught 6.0
That is just simply amazing to my eyes, but like Ruyzan said, the junk looks a bit like stone to me, maybe brighten it up a bit OR show some rust appearing on it. The plane makes no sense to me as of why it is in there. But it is truly an amazing drawing, and I love how you haven't used any c/p or anything for this, close to perfect but it's just the "junk islands" that get to me because they look like stone more then junk (I'm also going off that the junk is all metal and also I'm talking about the further back island more then the closer island).
Originally Posted by boredlolz View Post
That is just simply amazing to my eyes, but like Ruyzan said, the junk looks a bit like stone to me, maybe brighten it up a bit OR show some rust appearing on it. The plane makes no sense to me as of why it is in there. But it is truly an amazing drawing, and I love how you haven't used any c/p or anything for this, close to perfect but it's just the "junk islands" that get to me because they look like stone more then junk (I'm also going off that the junk is all metal and also I'm talking about the further back island more then the closer island).

Its kinda a futuristic world.
he probably added the plane so the sky wouldnt look as plain.
Also it could be that houses plane.
Last edited by Macrid; Aug 15, 2011 at 04:35 AM.
I had to read the title a second time to see what the islands were made of, they look like sheet metal.

I like it, but the background in my opinion ruins the artwork for me. The purple is too high of a contrast to be in the background, it should be turned down a bit. You did a great job with lighting and object placement, the grass and vines climbing down are very nice! I'm not too enthusiastic when it comes to the bits of junk that form the island. They all look the same, I think there should be some small things sticking out, like pipes and what not. I do like the accessories you included o nthe junk, like the grates and the wheel (lack of a better name).

Overall, it's a really great piece. The only serious flaw I see is that the jet plane's exhaust gas starts on the art, it should have started off of the art.
The perspective seems off in multiple places. Especially on the plane. You should be able to see some of the far wing.
You did a really nice job on the grass and other vegetation though.
I think this would look better without the plane tbh, you smudged it too much, and it takes away from the simplicity.
The way you could improve is to use more color, add more light sources and use less black.
One thing you also have to do is to think more about what would look appealing to the viewer.

For an example the airplane takes away all the attention from the main object which is in this picture the bridge between the two Islands, therefore you have to direct all attention towards that area, to make that happen you have to remove the stars, some of the birds and the airplane.

So basically in short terms

-Color/shade better next time
-Cut down on the black shading, the less darkness you have the more impact the shadows will have.
-Focus on whats important, and remove unnecessary details.
-Make up a focal point and focus on that, the focal point shall normally be more detailed than the rest of the painting.
-Make something interesting, and crop it right.
-Include more contrasts, a wider color range.

And don't be afraid to experiment with new ways to paint.
Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 17, 2011 at 08:27 PM.
Looks pretty perfect to me, but I do not know anything about art. 10/10
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
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