Original Post
[SDFT] Recruiting
[Lucky] recruitment thread:

Mods your good at:
Mods you are bad at:
Why do you want to join
How did you hear about
Are you forum active[1-10]:
Are you ingame active[1-10]:
What talents can you bring(Banners,Tc,Videos,Etc):

Pleas respect the rules we have below...
Dont be a asshole
Dont spam
Dont start marketing
And Dont disrespect ANY fellow members
Thank you and have a great day!
Last edited by StubsZilla; May 22, 2013 at 11:05 AM.
I think this is the right Thread
Belt: Brown
Mods your good at: Judo, Aikido, and Weapon Mods
Mods you are bad at: Parkour, sparring, anything with running
Why do you want to join [SDFT]: To find a way to help others, maybe to teach a little, make some more friends.
How did you hear about [SDFT]?: I spectated a fight with one of your members in it and I was impressed
Are you forum active[1-10]: 5-6
Are you in-game active[1-10]: 8-9
What talents can you bring(Banners,Tc,Videos,Etc): Tc and I like to learn new mods, I like to teach occasionally.
The Blood Shall Flow Like Water
Belt:Black Belt
Mods your good at:Aikido,Wushu,Parkour,Some of the mods that are running.
Mods you are bad at:Sparring,Judo
Why do you want to join [SDFT]:Because I was got kicked from my clan without a reason.
How did you hear about [SDFT]?:Found it in the clan list
Are you forum active[1-10]:5
Are you ingame active[1-10]:5
What talents can you bring(Banners,Tc,Videos,Etc):Tc
Mods your good at: Aikido, parkour , judo
Mods you are bad at: twinswords
Why do you want to join [SDFT]: Couse i think im a good player and i belive i can be better
How did you hear about [SDFT]?: MP server
Are you forum active[1-10]: 9/10
Are you ingame active[1-10]: 9/10 couse i play minecraft too
What talents can you bring(Banners,Tc,Videos,Etc): TC

Pleas respect the rules we have below...
Dont be a asshole
Dont spam
Dont start marketing
And Dont disrespect ANY fellow members
Thank you and have a great day!
Mods your good at: Aikido, parkour , judo
Mods you are bad at: twinswords
Why do you want to join [SDFT]: Couse i think im a good player and i belive i can be better
How did you hear about [SDFT]?: MP server
Are you forum active[1-10]: 9/10
Are you ingame active[1-10]: 9/10 couse i play minecraft too
What talents can you bring(Banners,Tc,Videos,Etc): TC

Pleas respect the rules we have below...
Dont be a asshole
Dont spam
Dont start marketing
And Dont disrespect ANY fellow members
Thank you and have a great day!
Last edited by murilo12; Apr 2, 2013 at 12:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Belt:Blue Belt (alt)
Real Belt:Black belt
Real Nameexile679
Mod im good at is :Mushu,Sparr,Judo,and Akido
Mod im Bad At :TwinSword Parkour and Sumo
Why i want to join [SDFT] : Im A good Player so the Clan can count on me To win any clan wars
How did u hear about [SDFT]?:StubZilla is My friend he told me the Clan
Active on Forum:5-7 Hours
Active in Game:5-8 hours
My talent is to Banned player who dont respect me and want to borrow mine

Pic Profile
Dexile679 Name Srry
Last edited by AceScar454; Apr 4, 2013 at 11:29 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
hi i would like to get into this clan muinto my black belt and my personality and gain TC and teach various movements when see this mensage send the invitation to me and my name MARCOS1997 I met this clan with a friend I met in the tournament I'll give my best when I enter the clan thanks ..
Belt: brown
Mods your good at: twinswords, aikido and judo

Mods you are bad at: none
Why do you want to join [SDFT]: because you guys are awesome
How did you hear about [SDFT]?: I saw you play a tournament
Are you forum active[1-10]: 8
Are you ingame active[1-10]: 8
What talents can you bring(Banners,Tc,Videos,Etc): a good reputation and skill

Belt:2nd dan black belt
Mods your good at: Akkido, judo mostly anything
Mods you are bad at:tk and wushu
Why do you want to join: Because stubzilla is awesome and this clan is awesome
How did you hear about: Stubs mostly
Are you forum active[1-10]: 8
Are you ingame active[1-10]:9
What talents can you bring(Banners,Tc,Videos,Etc): Tc's

I agree to all the rules.
Belt: I am a brown belt
Its good mods: judo, aikido, twinsword, jousting.
Mods that you are bad: at all.
Why you want to join [SDFT]: really like this clan.
How did you hear about [SDFT]?: Min tell a friend
You active forum [1-10]: are always active in the forum.
You ingame active [1-10]: in multiplay game ever.
What talents can you bring (Banners, TC, videos, etc.): videos, tc and texture.
Belt:2 dan
Previous Clans: marvik,[w]
Infraction(s):if none, put none) none
Ban(s):if none, put none)none
Alt(s):if none, put none)2 ILOVETIT AND neymar1
Tell us about yourself:i like football an i am good in toribash i am fast in real life

Why do you want to be a Uber Marine?:i like this clan i heard it is a kind clan and i think this is one of the best
What is your talent?:i dont have one D:
Provide proof of your talent(if any):
Who requested you to join(If anyone did):no one
BONUS!(This will help your app out better), Do you have a skype?If yes, give us the name)yep i have skype it is miran gurgur picture me with a black cap on
What can you bring to the Uber Marines?:i can make this clan stronger and make it grow
Forum activity1-10)7-10
Ingame activity1-10)9-10
What languages do you know?: france a little
Rate your ingame skills(1-10)7-10
Best mods: abd aikido
Are you mature for your age(Be honest): not that good
How polite are you?:i am very polite i wont fight that much