Original Post
[P] Recruitment


Interested in joining Power?

Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
all members will send you a pm if they want you here.

First of all,before making that choice, be aware that we are strict when it comes to recruiting people. We learned from many mistakes and we think twice now on letting people join easy. This recruitment process will be divided in 3 phases.


This phase will allow yourself to express and submit an free form application that will be take in consideration. Make sure to make a clean and understandable app, no colors and font change. Also, include age and a little about yourself,Toribash skills and such, Good luck!
Try to include:
Toribash History (including bans, alts and bad history)
Real Life Status
Paragraphs and Grammar
*Include pie in your app*

You passed the first trial? good for you, welcome to the hard part.This phase will evaluate how active you're and will be monitoring your in-game activity and forum-posting for a complete month, yep, a month.
*You can post in-forum while you're in this phase,
no[TAG] will be awarded until you pass the 3 phases

Well you're almost there but don't get your hopes up, this is the acceptance phase which all the official members gather to talk about you and give critics and comments about yourself. We will discuss if you should join and will begin a voting and decide your faith. Remember if you have more negative votes than yes, you're declined automatic, be prepared!

Have any more questions before joining?
PM me or p0w and we will gladly help you.

*Come back and apply again after 1 month if you failed, be prepared!*

Clan Page

Irc Channel

Last edited by Pwr; Jun 19, 2013 at 03:30 AM.
The application was not convincing at all. I don't like people who join and quit clans as if they don't know and have the sense of responsibility. When you join a clan you commit yourself to help that clan even if that clan suck, you help it. I don't want you to think of this clan as a 2nd option, we must be the first priority. I don't like how messy the application was. Please correct some grammar and add periods next time.

Thank You!
Apply next month when ready
Last edited by Neru; Apr 15, 2013 at 12:26 AM.
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
It is free form because if it is not, you will just fill in the blanks

And if its free form and its really touching we members (not leaders) really give considerations.

The leaders are strict so if your app is good and you feel good for doing it. Youll get a high chance of getting in.
Hello my name is Lamp, also known as Leroy in real life.
I would like to join this clan mostly because of it's active members, whom I can friend and usually do fun stuff with.
I know one person in this clan, Victony, who've I've known for 6-8 months,we are fairly good friends.
The most good thing about me is my socialness, as I usually make alot of friends.
I have 2 jobs, and a lovely dog, his name is Riffles

Thank you for your time reading this, please consider me ~ LampPie
Last edited by LampGod; Apr 16, 2013 at 12:45 AM.