Original Post
[Golf] Recruitment

Basic things you should include are:
Forms of contact (Skype/Steam etc.)
Ban history
Information about yourself
Reason to join

Read this before you post:
Aside from the basics, any additional information cannot hurt.
You must not use the requirement list as the format for your application. The list only states what you must include; your application must be free-form.
Last edited by GolfBank; Jul 4, 2013 at 04:28 AM.
Application? -Mztuh
Name: Mztuh (IGN) Alexander (IRL)

Age: 16

Belt: Black Belt

Forms of contact (Skype/Steam etc.): Gummiboll6 (Steam), Mztuhz (Skype)

Your timezone: Swedish Time. (Don't know where to check this)

Ban history: Never had a ban of what i know.

Activity: Alot! 3-5 hours a day or even more. Can be lower though. (Not Often)
Information about yourself: I am a Boy at the age of 16 and i live in Sweden and i am playing alot of computer daily.
I love toribash alot and other games!

Reason to join: Never really been in a clan and i've been playing Toribash alot and i am a quite
experienced toribash player and looking for a clan since i don't really like lonewolfing.
Click the link i get 30TC :]
You did not write your app in freeform, and it was overall lacking.
Not that much reason on why you want to join, and not very much information.
I'm going with a no, sorry. You can apply again later if you'd like.
This is not the correct place to ask that. All ally requests must be sent through pm. Also, I do not know your clan too well, you should pm Thiggist.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Name : Vendoor
Age : Turning to 14 in week
Belt : 3rd Dan Black Belt
Forms of contact (Skype/Steam etc.) I have skype, but it doesn't let me login ;/
Your timezone : Finland ;)
Ban history : None
Activity : Forum: 7 Ingame : 7
Information about yourself : Friendly, helping newbies when I can to(thiggist is my bff ;))
Reason to join: Golf is awesome clan,awesome people, and I am looking for a good clan.

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by GolfBank View Post
You must not use the requirement list as the format for your application. The list only states what you must include; your application must be free-form.

Sorry ven, we're friends but rules are rules, do you think you can reapply with a freeform paragraph?
Name Gustavo.
Age 14.
Belt brown.
Forms of contact (Skype/Steam etc.) steam,skype,facebook.
GMT brazil 3hours-
Ban history none
Activity (In-forum 10) (in game 10)
Information about yourself I'm good at the game and I'm always on from 6 am until 10 pm
Reason to join because: I want to participate in the test Volare between me and he was very good and I liked their skills then the clan gives a good opoturnidade between all
Hello all Golf members, my name is Pietro (Toad311) and I am 13 years of age. I would like to join your clan over any of the other millions because of a few reasons. All the members that I have met so far seem really nice and cool, this seems like a good stable clan and is not going to tumble into nothingness easily, and when I fought with Moonshake he said that he liked my style and I should apply. I am a second Dan black belt and my rank is around 8k. I know its not that good but I have been inactive for a month due to my computer. I can be on every other day if not more. My GMT is Eastern Standard living in the East Coast. (Duh) I may have been banned from a some small servers I do not remember, but not from Toribash in whole. Unfortunately I do not have Steam nor Skype, but maybe there are other ways you can contact me. As i said before I would really like to join this clan and I hope you accept me. Thank you for reading my application and see you around.

Filds, the main post says not to use the requirement list. It is a no from me.

Toad, you seem cool and have pretty good grammar for a 13 year old. Before I make up my mind, I have a question. Are you able to be forum active?
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Ah, seems like I forgot to put that in my application doesn't it? Yes, I am forum active when there are things for me to do. For example, if I do get in this clan I will be on here frequently because that will be something I can post and be active on.