Next time send this type of stuff in a private message to and GM.

Regarding the whole racism ordeal: Sometimes you just have to deal with it and grow some skin. I don't see the whole conversation so you may have even said something to him earlier that I cannot see.

Also, is it really THAT offensive when someone just says that? Come on now... I've been called a lot worse and didn't give a rats ass.
@TCdoubler: You have reported things in the past that were barely insults. Don't take things so seriously; it's just a game. It's not even verbal, considering we're on the internet.

As Marcus has said above, you're just going to have to grow some thicker skin and learn to handle these types of things on your own.
Even after reading this entire post, should you feel that someone has deeply offended you, feel free to PM any Gamemaster, and wait for them to handle the issue.