Original Post
[B] Tribal Set
I'm looking for a tribal set of any color, but must have joints. Offer first, and be prepared to haggle. All I need is 128.
goodbye cruel world
will change the head to something more tribal (unless you like that one)


Last edited by ToriReu; Apr 20, 2014 at 03:45 PM.
I AM TheBigDad's ALT!!!
Originally Posted by DAPSER View Post

tribal set 100k+

Artist: Flyingmonk
Prev. Owner: Gerpington
Resolution: 512x512
Recolor: No

Originally Posted by Croz View Post

Looking now
Originally Posted by ToriReu View Post
will change the head to something more tribal (unless you like that one)
If it is c/p then no.


goodbye cruel world
ok will make one now should be done in about an hour tops
/offtopic sending you your clan art now btw (it was a kinda crappy job cuz i couldnt be bothered at the time i might make an improved version l8er)
Last edited by TheBigDad; Apr 20, 2014 at 08:15 PM.
Much shmexiness
I dont want the clan art anymore and remember i want joints. Be prepared to change some stuff.
goodbye cruel world
ok so heres what ive done so far this is simply an idea and incomplete however i think its looking good so far

the set

Much shmexiness