Original Post
[S] purple robot head
artist: nut3llaninja AKA the nut
size: 512
start price: 5,000tc or a items i like
min raise: 500tc
auto buy: 15,000tc or a large joint texture
recolor: no i messed up the xcf file
tc and items accepted

images of ingame

Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
You can't make two threads with the same purpose: (S) in this case. I got a warning for this :/

Is this Cp or Drawn btw?
its hand drawn in gimp with out tablet and thats only if there for the same texture
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
yea i too it off the set and im selling it seperate and im going to change parts of that set because it was more of a flow set instead of a robot set
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf