Original Post
[ART]"Alien octopus"
My new pic, maked from blank list.
Without copypast/special brushes/plagiat.
Please rate that from 1 to 10 =)
looks very 3dish which is a big plus, looks like you spent some time on this.

You could create a more interesting light. The moon (or wherever this is at) tends to have a pretty boring enviroment, so you have to compensate with light to avoid making the art boring.

The angle of the light is pretty boring also, almost straight from above. Since you are dealing with multiple height levels you might think about alternating that a tad, to create a more 3d feel.

Love your work btw, some of the more talented artists in this community.
Just turn that layer with the shadow to multiply, lower opacity for a bit, use large but soft eraser tool and you'll have a great image with realistic shadow. This is like a scene from a comic book. Very nicely done, I have only objections to the weapon and some of the tentacles, but nothing to nag about it too much.
I'd call it an alien jelly fish. But like they've said previously, nice! I hope to see some more from you. I'm trying to break into doing some art of my own and could use some good examples to practice technique with.
For the outline it looks very pixelated, perhaps you could swap over to a 'pen' tool, and also vary the line thickness.