Original Post
hey if u would like a new avatar here is a really good web sight for avatars hope u like them
Site removed- Claims of virii
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: avatars
hey it doesnt do it 2 my computer and alot of other peoples so just because it does it 2 ur computer dosent mean u smite me
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: avatars
mabby you need better virus protection, most of it was spywear it's all been delete now, just so you know your computer probly has a virus.
Re: avatars
uh no i have the best up 2 date virus protection and if there waz a virus on the page it would imidiently let me no
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: avatars
you gona name it or brag about it? unless it's name begins with a k then you don't know the best virus protection on the web, and if you say nortan antivrius i will have to kill you.

if it's a good virus protector karma point up.
Re: avatars
i have at&t yahoo virus protection so there and it is a very good virus protection
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: avatars
well well, that virus protection isn't bad... heck karma point up just cus your so mad but...

kaspersky is the ultimate protection on the web, but you also should get adwear and spywear destroyers, i'd sujest spywear serch and destroy... everyone knows you got to have more than one program defending your compooter
Re: avatars
This is my story..... and your not part of it
Re: avatars
first i was like: :o

but then i loled :P

err, i saw the site for a few brief moments befor closeing it, it dose have nice avatars, but few of them are the correct size they will all be bad quality