Original Post
[S]Epic Skull Toriset
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today i am auctioning an epic set drawn by me.
It wasnt weared by ANYONE before (except me online to see how it looks like in multiplayer and how it looks like while play)
So YOU would be the first one to wear it as his OWN set.
It took me realy long to make it but the time was worth it.
The Set is FULL 512x512 but on preview you see the head as 512x512
and the rest as 128x128.
You get the legs as this AND as normal.
The torso part is extra made void (so you get only black torso textures).
Best Joint colors to match with it are: Void,Pure,Vampire,Cobra

70,000 Toricredits (Can be Haggled)
Only acceptance in offers are: Toricredits and Items (Items include Flames)
Rules are like following:
§1 No Offers like 200 Toricredits (Immature Haggle)
§2 No Flaming,Spamming,Trolling on this sale
§3 Respect the Art Market Rules

For now this is it
If any further questions send them to me via PM
Good luck and happy buying!
Yo blood, sorry but i guess i cant sell it for that prize i worked pretty long on this masterpiece, not to mention i do not make often sets like this one (I do more that hampa style sets).
Still thank you for your offer and maybe good luck at another auction. ;)
Edit: shit idk what I was talking about sory lol haha
Last edited by joshyjojo; Apr 16, 2012 at 11:16 AM.
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
Originally Posted by joshyjojo View Post
Um wrong thread? Lol Unless I missed a memo isn't this supposed to be in the Art/Textures thread as an [A]uction? Lol

Btw /not backseat moderating I'm just confuzzled o.o

Yes sure this is no backseat moderate so you shouldnt be scared it is a simple question.
This indeed IS the Art/Textures board but this one is in the Market so that means you simply sell your sets here and i am not putting is as an [A]uction since i would have to place in there an Starting bid , min raise , autobuy and a end date into my post. I simply post the set and my prize range into it so people offer and i take a look at it. If i like the offer i make the deal if i dont like it i wait for more offers. Simple ;)

Originally Posted by Freestylla View Post
20k if you like

No thank you a nice offer but still a bit too low for me. Maybe if you get more toricredits try to offer again. ;)