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[TEX] Pink, Black and White Set
So I was working on this set for myself. Any C&C is welcome. And no they're not hampa's textures. Don't bother to tell me to look similar, I just realized that.

Last edited by Foxy; Apr 16, 2013 at 05:43 AM.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
I don't like it, sorry. It's too simple, too plain and it's hard to read, really. Nonetheless, I've seen worse legs/sets, tho. Maybe it will be ok, when you finish the full set.

I'd give it 5.5/10. If you'd add textures, shading, something totally different than this, it would be good. Don't make it just 1 color - same color anywhere.
Originally Posted by ElectricBlue View Post
Is it too crowded? Is that why you can't read it?

The text. Maybe, but it's mostly the font that does that.
Decent attempt. Add more shading, and more variety in the texture, it looks a bit plain. I know it's tough to be different, but just experiment and see if you can come up with something interesting. Good start though.
I think its good I like it

I like the bolts but yeah put shading its kinda plain.
Fix the black circles its idk.

But yeah I like it.

Btw what font is that?
Bolts, are busted. There is too many set's out there like this Electric, maybe 15-20 of them. They are overused a bunch for their simplicity but they look decent. You do need to work on your shading. Also, the set if you finish it, will have too much C/P too it. Try to mix it up a little and think outside of the box. Considering the fact that a lot of people do the same style with Cartoonish set's than you should try to be different than them.
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
Never try to remake texture which already done by somebody else. Hampa did simple but nice texture and you tried to make the same. Dislike, sry.