Original Post
Banned till the end of the month for "spamming"?
It's MetalMario. I've been back for a few days now. I just tried to log in, but apparently I'm banned till the end of the month for spamming. I don't know what this means, since I hadn't posted for months... What's going on?
饿科技反对历史就佛解放对抗赛里解放迪斯科斯洛伐克哦贷款假分数批反抗技术开发科技解放迪斯科 Hanz0 接待室可就年第十斤秒克可领导啊可蜂蜡发第四规定电视机撒

User suspended for irrelevant post.
Last edited by hanz0; Dec 17, 2008 at 04:38 AM.
Originally Posted by Galactik
The hungry science and technology opposed that the history liberates the disco dancing Slovakia oh loan improper fraction on the Buddha liberation dual meet to approve the revolt technology development science and technology liberation disco dancing Hanz0 reception room to be possible to be possible to lead on the year tenth catty second gram may the beeswax send fourth stipulated the television scatters

This may or may not be spam but I suggest you try and speak english here.

I would go onto the IRC channel and see if you can talk to someone there.

This could have been due to a hacker who posted many things and then got them deleted and got himself banned.

IRC is the way to make sure ;)

Originally Posted by galaktk View Post
饿科技反对历史就佛解放对抗赛里解放迪斯科斯洛伐克哦贷款假分数批反抗技术开发科技解放迪斯科 Hanz0 接待室可就年第十斤秒克可领导啊可蜂蜡发第四规定电视机撒

User suspended for irrelevant post.

Btw. Google translator says this means

"Hungry object to the history of science and technology to match the liberation of the Buddha in the liberation of Slovakia disco Oh improper fraction loans granted to resist the liberation of technology development and technology Hanz0 the reception room disco in the 10th may grams seconds jin ah leadership can be made beeswax provisions of the Fourth TV Caesar"

Go on IRC.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?