First of all, it's very disliked to ask for money in this community.

However, how to get money is a different thing.

1. Play ingame. Every win will give you 10 TC.
2. Buy a booster (Or plain TC). It makes every match give you X TC (For example 100 TC per win)
3. Do surveys which are located here:
And here:
4. Learn to do textures/art. People pay high prices to buy textures or other type of art.
5. Buy low/Sell High. Do some business in torimarket. Remember that people usualy sell items for a cheaper price in item forums located here:

I probably forgot something. Someone else can add it.
i dont think begging or advertising is legal.
the easiest way is to buy tc or just put alot of thing into your shop so people go to it more.or textures if youre good at them
EDIT: i had to get ninja dodekus...
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
I think you need to choose someone from facebook or upload a picture of "worlds greatest lover" on the 300 TC survey. If you have a hard time understanding a survey, just move on to the next one.