Original Post
First Head Texture Ever! [Aqua-White Robot]
Hey guys this is my first head texture. Its up for sale but im not expecting much tc lol. I couldn't get the spinning head working


what i did to make it spinny was get the image, filter>animation>spinning globe made it do 30 frames. When it finished i had 31 layers of my globe head in different positions but it was all distorted.
That's a good first head. You seem to have a lot of potential... try a couple of requests in the request forum. It's a great way to get better.
Yeah I probably will. The thing is im not that good at gimp yet. I need to know how to make good curved lines (is their a tool?) and how to flip images so i can make 1 half of a head then duplicate it and flip it.
First: do you even have the required head texture from the torishop to equipt the head? Second: 26tc is really really low I could get that by winning 3 games. Raise the price to atleast 400tc because i think this is a pretty good head even if its my first one.