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My username is Tempo. My real name is Thomas Phillip Adam Anderson. But you can call me Tom. I'm 21 years old. I've been playing this game for a while. But I actually first saw this In July last year when my friend showed this game. I got bored of it after a few weeks and I never got the chance to register myself because I didnt want to take this seriously. But then, almost a year later, I were digging in my archives and found this game and I started playing it. At the 26 of April, I registered finally and I started to mass play this game and got really good at single player.

I have been playing this game for three months now and I'm in [Hive] clan at the moment. I'm also an official replay maker (ORMO). I'm just a blue belt but belt doesnt matter in my opinion. I'm a pretty good replay maker. I'm a very nice guy so dont be afraid to approach me if you want something. I'm not saying that you should go to me before going to a moderator or an admin. Only go to me if there are small questions that doesnt involve the forum. I'm very active, at least on the forum.

Thats pretty much me. I suck at MP but I got a few epic MP replays though ;)

[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly