Original Post
[Tex] 2 Of My Newest Heads
Hey! I've managed to come out with 2 more heads today, I hope you guys can throw some constructive criticism at me so I can continue to make more, and better.

Made using Adobe Illustrator CS5 and Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Last edited by Nathandos; Aug 23, 2011 at 08:46 PM.

the second is really lovely i like the way you painted the tongue and inside mouth.. did you draw it from 0 or thats a C/P?
I dont like the first... miss shading and you could make better use of space.
Perfect tongue on the second,and pretty eyer on the first.Try to add more detail.These are too empy..
7/10 First one
8/10 Second
Are you using a tablet?
Accidentally put [Art], fixed and changed to [Tex] - sorry about that.

Also, all of this was done from scratch.

Weddark: I don't like putting a lot of detail, I like things to be very simplistic. And yes, I'm using a Pentuos tablet.

I have a feeling you are going to be another LastDuck... suddenly appear out of no where, make great cartoon art for a month then leave.
U have talent Nathan
Shading lights etc.
Any chance these will go to sale?
Originally Posted by Dad View Post
U have talent Nathan
Shading lights etc.
Any chance these will go to sale?

I've been thinking about it - I do need TC, but I also dislike not owning my own work. Haha.