Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[REL] ToriStudio: create mods from your browser
Link to the app: link
Link to the source: link

The ingame mod maker is hard to use. So I decided to a make mod maker that is easier to use.



  • 'W' to translate object
  • 'E' to rotate object
  • 'R' to scale object
  • '-' to decrease the size of the helper
  • '+' to increase the size of the helper
  • hold down 'Ctrl' to snap to grid

Current version
Alpha 0.0.2

Tech used
  • three.js
  • dat.gui

Change log
Alpha 0.0.2:
  • q button is working now
  • rotation fixed
  • shif + drag to copy object
  • automated object generation through scripting

  • add tori and uke
  • add configuration menu for gamerules
  • add mod importer

Scripting example
Here is a random cube generator:

JavaScript code


And is a procedural "city" generator script:

JavaScript code


Last edited by dista; Nov 18, 2015 at 08:11 AM.
This look really cool and professional,but just fix what you said is wrong. I just wish I was more creative I'd doing 3d things xD
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
Thanks. I'll try to work more on it when I'll have more free time, as I'm currently taking a course in web development.
You should shoot someone a PM about doing web development for the game if you're looking to do that sort of thing (can never have enough). This is really impressive, great job.
collect snots from the nose
Thank you. I was considering volunteering as a dev, but the forum is made with vBulletin and I know next to nothing about it. Though I'm used to working on forums, I even developed one myself in Scala from the ground up. I think I'll read some stuff on vBilletin then I'll send someone my CV.
Version 0.0.2 released.

Change log:
  • q button is working now
  • rotation fixed
  • shif + drag to copy object
  • automated object generation through scripting