Original Post
Before you ask...
UCRTBMVC stands for UnCopyRightable's ToriBash Music Video Competition
31313TC PRIZE? means that there are 31313 ToriCredits (- Lovingly donated by Imba-Like-Kid <3) up for grabs to the 3 winners

In case it isn't obvious yet...
I'm holding a competition to see who can make a Toribash music video to my crappy remix (link at bottom of post)
So you have from now to 24 September Midnight/00:00AM GMT Time to make it, upload it, and send it to me

Must be made in Toribash.
Must use the music I made...(link at the bottom of post).
Must be on extensions, so don't forget.
Must be your copying ¬_¬.
Must be on YouTube/ToriTube...I may allow exceptions.
Must be PMed / Private Messaged to me before the deadline...I may extend the deadline for technical problems, etc.
No more than two entries per person...this gives you two chances for a prize, I will only accpet however what I and the judges feel is your better entry. Then again, you could just enter one really good video and be done, but no more than two.

Judging. . .
Will be by me and a few other select few people . . . I will not have voting but I will allow persuasion.
Will take about . . .7 days, I don't know . . . cross that bridge later.
Will be based on: How well it syncs with the music, How funny it is, How professional . . . but you don't need to buy [EXPENSIVE SOFTWARE NAME HERE] to win though.

3 people shall win! YAY!
1st place wins 21560TC
2nd place wins 6543TC
3rd place wins 3210TC

I LIKE RANDOM!'s the song you might need, lol:
Last edited by uncopyrightable; Jul 29, 2008 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Extension to September...
I am getting a one week 1k booster on either tomorrow or friday. After I have full texture trails I'll donate some of the extra money.
I'll enter two just incase


Chaos Impact
<Patriotz>: oshi I opened a torrent page and it was old lady pron D: (scared for life)