Original Post
Marcus's Weeky Taekkyon
Hello and welcome to Marcus's weekly tournaments.


I will be hosting several taekkyon tournaments throughout the weeks. During these tournaments I will have knockout mode activated.
There will be two rounds. When these rounds are completed the winners will battle it off for the
first place prize of 5k.(there is no 2nd place prize)

The reason I'm doing this is because I feel we need more taekkyon tournaments which are a lot of fun.


I will make a server Entitles "Marcus's Weekly Taekkyon"


The rules are simple:

1. Keep swearing at a minimum (no F bombs or its instant kick)
2. Late comers can attend the second round if they show up during the first round.
3. Flaming will result in a kick
4. If you ping/quit you loose your spot unless I decide otherwise
5. Have Fun

Announcing: I will announce on Irc and on the forums approx. 10 minutes before I start the tournament. You may come early to warm up
and what not.

Decaps: One thing I love are great decaps.(when you knock off your opponents head)
I love to inspire people to get decaps more and more. So
as a promotion to my tournaments if you get a decap in my tournament and win the match I will grant you a 5k bonus.
(you must post the replay in this thread to receive the 5k bonus)

The prize: As I mentioned before the prize for winning the tournament
is 5k. No more no less unless you get bonus decapitation.

Keep in mind that this is not sponsored by Nabi so any donations would
be a big help.

The Following people have placed first in my tournament;

None yet