Original Post
Super Moderator Recruitment Drive
Shamelessly stolen, again.



What is a Super Moderator?

The Super Moderators are a group of global mods that specialize in the general regulation of the forums and solving most forum reports, and are a major part of staff discussion. While not directly expected to deal with in-game related incidents, scam/tc related incidents, or clan related incidents as these cases generally belong to the GM team, Market Squad and Clan Moderators respectively, they have the ability/power to help in these situations. Super Moderators have special forum powers as well as in-game admin, and are easily distinguishable by their bold, blue names. Super Moderators and all staff alike are required to devote a decent chunk of time out of their days to tend to their duties and other work, and these staff positions are voluntary, please be aware of this before applying.

What will be expected of you?

As mentioned earlier in the thread, there are several duties that Super Moderators are expected to take care of. As basic forum regulators, they handle most of the reports, including general reports, but tend to leave scam reports to the market squad, in-game related reports to the gamemasters, and clan-related reports to the clan mods though they are allowed and encouraged to take care of or take part in any of the prior mentioned cases. They are expected to take part in staff discussion and make sure that the forum is kept in order. While they are global moderators of the entire forums, they are not required to notice and handle every possible rule break by watching the forums constantly; this is what the report function is for. This has been said earlier, but please realize that these duties can take a large amount of time out of anyone's day, the job itself can be stressful at any given time, and the job is entirely voluntary.

How to apply?

If you've read through the thread and are still interested in becoming a Super Moderator, feel free to send your application to any current ADMIN or SUPER MODERATOR, the list of current staff can be found HERE; alternatively, click the "View Toribash Staff" button at the bottom of the forum index. It is encouraged to include your GMT as well as the languages that you speak. If you are unsure of how to go about making an application, this is a nice guide made by Dargon, a former staff member. There is no required format or experience before applying, feel free to show us that you have got what it takes. If you have applied very recently (as in the past month or so), there is no need to make another application for this drive. Refrain from applying unless you are willing and able to commit a decent chunk of time to the position. Applications are always open, but generally have lower acceptance rates outside of these drives.

We are currently interested in recruiting a number of new Super Moderators, and recruitment will be closed 2 weeks after the original post. Please do not be shy if you are not already in a staff role below Super Moderator, we are looking for anyone and everyone who is interested.


Feel free to ask any questions, they will be answered by any of the current staff that are involved with/are currently super moderators.
Last edited by Faint; Jan 23, 2016 at 08:15 AM.
no, but the work load can get quite heavy depending on the circumstances. when i was a smod, i probably did some form of staff-related work at least a few times a week.
it is kinda related to peace question but in another sense, if its not time, is there a number of report to handle by week/month?
no u

Originally Posted by Peace View Post
Is there a certain amount of time an Smod is required to work each day/week?

They should be around every day* of the week, and during the time they're around they do what needs done.
Since most tend to hang around for the entire time they're online, including when they're doing other things, it's hard to say exactly how many hours per day it'd involve. Obviously the more efficient the person the less time doing things takes, however there are the occasional nightmare days where it's a never ending stream of things needing done.

But as they say, many hands make light work.

(* obviously not every day of the year because that'd be silly)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Also, when you say the workload is heavy, is this relating to reports or just the global moderation in general?
(Sorry for the hammering of questions)
Approx. how many people will be selected for the job?
Last edited by Peace; Jan 17, 2016 at 06:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
well my last question was kind of awnsered by skul.

another, it is not specified ( or i'm blind ), is there a trial period or they become smod instantly?
no u

Originally Posted by Kido View Post
well my last question was kind of awnsered by skul.

another, it is not specified ( or i'm blind ), is there a trial period or they become smod instantly?

there's no trial period
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Is there any type of notification that the application didn't make the cut? Or is it just if no notification within a few weeks mean it didn't make it?

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Does one have to be active on IRC aswell? And how many hours (depending on if toribash forum's are busy) does an smod sacrifice averagely?