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[ART] detectosaurus
Another dinosaur, ayup. This forum needs more dinosaur. But this time i've actually saved a few individual stages of it, just for viewing pleasure pain and slight insight.

STEP ONE: the ugly Paint doodle

STEP TWO: using pen tool to make smooth lines

STEP THREE: flat colours


The final product. I know i messed up the shadow in some places, but i can't be assed fixing that right now. What do y'all think? Terrible? Acceptable? Abysmal?
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post

Haha, i kind of like that term, if i may be so bold. Especially because it's not the first time i've heard it, so i must be doing SOMETHING that is characteristic of me. :U

BUT ANYWAYS, thank you very much! I'm glad that this simple and cartoony style i'm pursuing isn't considered a terrible thing. c:

Oh, and by the way, criticism is welcome too, as long as you aren't being a complete dick about it. What this means is that i'm entirely willing to listen as long as you aren't actively trying to insult me.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
bumping this thread because relevant update

Decided to try painting it for a change, turned out surprisingly well. I AM PLEASED, but the question is, ARE YOU?
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Well I have to start off by saying that the first one was quite good, bu then when you put in the second updated one, I was like :O. I love the semi-realism used in this one, it definitely looks better, wish I had some art talent at all, lol good work though 8/10.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
I really like the first one, the 2nd one looks kind of messy and the shading doesn't make any kind of sense.

According to his pipe the light is coming from above, according to the top of the hat its coming from the left side, and the "3d" in the nose area is all ruined. Just clean up the mess and you will have something awesome.
Ooo feedback! I was wondering when someone would notice how i pretty much winged the shading, heh. What i tried to make it look like was an incident angle more or less perpendicular to the side of his head (and thus parallel to the pipe, making the shadow vertical), but coming down 45-ish degrees from above. But now that you mention it, i can see how it really doesn't add up to that one direction, so i'm definitely going to try fixing it.

It's so bloody easy to stare oneself blind on the same thing, so i'm glad there are others who can spot the flaws that i miss. c:

@xJuicy: Thanks! I decided to keep it simplistic because... Well, couldn't be assed to draw scales, plus it'd just look terrible. I have a long way to go before i can call myself any kind of competent at this. :U

@notaboss: Haha, oh man, if only you knew how many times i've said i lack talent! It's true what all those super good artists say, it's much less about talent than loads of practice. Also, getting help from better artists (immediate example: Ezeth > me) is the best thing ever, because instead of just haplessly trying random things, you get to know exactly what it is you should take a look at. So all i can say is, if you really want to get good at art, get going! ;)
But i digress, thanks for the kind words!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Its great man! I'm really into art like this. Simplicity is just so amazing that I just smack myself when I see it done will, just like in this case.
Shook, its more like-able as a clean cartoon illustration, even colors are more 'brighter' and the whole thing looks like 'you' (I mean its your style, closer to things you do since I saw you are pixel artist). I'm not saying 'leave the paintings style', its also good, but clean cartoony illustrations are more 'you' if you know what I mean. ;]

Also, your game is awesome!
''After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...''